Sovereign’s technology was originally limited to water sealing in underground mines but due to popular demand resulted in various applications across a wide field of industries. |
- Sealing of compressed gasses in large storage vessels that are usually underground caverns created by solution mining or abandoned mines - Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
- Sealing of excavated rock cavern storage facilities for oil and gasses.
- Geo-sequestration - carbon dioxide injection in underground geological formations i.e. saline aquifers, coal seams and oil fields – sealing of plugs, gas “chimneys”, or subsurface leakage of gas - Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
- Methane sealing in underground mines and geological formations.
Sovereign’s research unit is responsible for pursuing new and innovative grout ideas - product development and design. New techniques are developed, tested and then introduced to the market with suitable Safe Work Instructions and training.